While the whole world is struggling to prevent themselves from widespread coronavirus, a Netflix series called My Secret, Terrius has taken the Internet by storm.
Wondering why and what’s so special about it? Well, in the 10th episode of the series, Netflix subscribers have spotted something which is very similar to the current situation.
My Secret, Terrius is a South Korean drama which was released back in 2018 and has a scene that features coronavirus. As soon as people saw the scene, the series began trending on social media. The scene that has got fans all over the world talking about it comes in the 10th episode of season 1.
The scene, which is placed at around 53 minutes into the episode shows a doctor handing over some something which appears to be a file to another character. While handing the file, the doctor tells her, “We must do more research, but it looks like a mutant coronavirus.”
Concerned with the situation, the recipient asks, “Corona? Then MERS?” The doctor replies, “MERS, SARS, the common flu. They all fall in the same gene family with the same gene information.” She further adds, “The coronavirus attacks the respiratory system. During the 2015 MERS epidemic, the mortality rate was over 20 per cent.”
“But that’s not serious enough to be used as a weapon. Am I wrong?”, the agent asks. As a reply, the doctor says, “Like I said, this is a mutant virus. Someone tweaked it to increase the mortality rate to 90 per cent.”
As soon as people saw the scene, it didn’t take long for them to raise the concerns and the series went viral.
Here’s what people said about the series while comparing it with the current situation.
This is what I received on Whatsapp.. Go on Netflix… type in My Secret Terrius, go to Season 1, episode 10 and skip to 53 minutes 😳 actually freaked me out!!!#ChineseVirus pic.twitter.com/hePC7GRnex
— Aks_Mags (@akhilmangla) March 26, 2020
This is a South Korea Movie,
— Shadrack Amonoo Crabe (HumbleGangsta👁🗨) (@Gedio10) March 26, 2020
Shot in 2018
Title: “My Secret Terrius”
This movie Predicted the Corona Virus Pandemic and Got it Right 100%!
No.. this can’t be Coincidence,
Some set of people are Controlling this Universe scientifically.
Let’s be Careful!! pic.twitter.com/SR0Ux0nm72
This a recording of a Netflix series ‘My Secret Terrius’ which was released in 2018 and in the Season 1, Episode 10 of it, at 52-53 minutes the characters in it talk about a research on a new Coronavirus which will attack the respiratory system of humans, and how it can be used.. pic.twitter.com/QTKn8oUBa6
— Anand Dubey (@TheDubeyAnand) March 26, 2020
Viewers have been left stunned by Korean series My Secret Terrius, which appeared to predict the coronavirus pandemic back in 2018…. pic.twitter.com/fCzdrzwZFR
— karma (@udontseemecomin) March 26, 2020
Okay, so my curiosity got the better part of me and I had to confirm this trending “my secret terrius” (2018) season 1 episode 10 from 53 minutes… And well here we are👇#CurfewinKenya #COVID19KE #BeSmartBeSafe pic.twitter.com/qvSQvZFqm6
— Leah Omwandho (@leahomwandho) March 26, 2020
Yo! I just watched a snippet from a series called my Secret terrius on Netflix and they were talking about the corona virus. I thought the corona virus is a new disease? Also heard the movie has been out since 2018. What’s China not telling us?
— Remedios the Beauty (@hassana_maina) March 26, 2020
People freaking out about the Korean series #MySecretTerrius (s01e10) on Netflix from 2018 mentioning “coronavirus” need to understand that the term #coronavirus has been around since the late 60s. Its symptoms & unavailability of cure are also pretty well known to us since long.
— Rohan Dasgupta (@RohanDasgupta) March 26, 2020
As soon as people saw the scene, it didn’t take long for them to raise the concerns and the series went viral.