Spider-Man, the web-shooting science nerd was the one who introduced me to the world of science fiction and superheroes. Two decades and three Spider-Men later, my love for him still remains the same. And as we all know that Peter Parker has always kept a lot of secrets from his loved ones, it seems like he is keeping one from us too.

Oh yeah, you heard that right! Well, I still don’t know what it is but this time its Spider-Man who needs our help to reveal the big secret and how? There’s a huge billboard at the popular Babulnath Junction, Mumbai, where Spider-Man seems to be hiding something interesting.

And what do you do when you want to know a secret? You tweet! You see, the billboard has a message asking us to tweet with #LEAPFORTH and every time the count reaches 300, Spider-Man will reveal a part of the secret. Quite a way to reveal something, right? I don’t know about you but the suspense is killing me guys. That’s not all though, after the tweet, I received a message stating how I can be the lucky one to win a ticket to London. Skipped a heartbeat, no? Now, this was something that I never expected. So, guys, let’s be the Peter to his Tony and help him unravel his big secret. Underoos, get tweeting fam!