Our society often compares ‘doing well in life’ with having a stable job. With the pressure to attain this sort of validation, a lot of people give up on their dreams to do something out of the box.   

But this Humans Of Bombay post about Sunil Grover AKA the beloved Gutthi talks about his journey from being a struggler to becoming a household name. 

Sunil Grover
Humans Of Bombay

After his graduation, Sunil came to Mumbai with a hope that many people see in the ‘city of dreams’. The constant appreciation that he got in his small city made him believe that Bollywood will welcome him with the same enthusiasm as soon as he steps in the city. 

After I finished my masters in theatre, I shifted to Mumbai to pursue acting. But for the first year, I did nothing but party. I lived in a posh area, using my savings and some money from home. I’d only earn around Rs. 500 a month. But I thought I didn’t have to worry because I’d be successful and would earn more soon. 

Very soon reality hit him like a ton of bricks. He realized that achieving one’s dream is not a piece of cake. He faced many hardships and disappointments as he struggled to fulfill his dreams.

It didn’t take long before I realised that there were many others like me, who were the ‘superstars’ of their town — and ‘strugglers’ here. Soon I had no income, and was given a harsh reality check. I didn’t want to give up on my dreams. So I picked up the pieces, I took help from my friends, and started rigorously looking for work. Slowly I got work, but the road was still rocky. Once I’d been selected to play a role in a TV show — we’d even shot for a couple of days. But one day, I stopped getting my call time to come on set. When I asked the production guys, they said I’d been kicked out of the show. I was never told why. 

After several ups and downs, he finally got a break. This break not only made him viral but also opened doors for him that he never even thought of in his wildest dreams. His hard work finally led him to the TV sensation, Gutthi.  

I got offered to do a radio show. It was only going to be aired in Delhi, but when the show went live, it went viral! They decided to air it across India! After that, I started getting all kinds of opportunities on radio, T.V, and films. Soon ‘Gutthi’ happened to me, and in no time, it became a household name! I remember how I was called on a live show, and when I entered the stage, the audience was literally roaring for me. 

His story makes us believe that no matter what people say or how hard it is, giving up on your dreams is never an option. 

You can read the entire story here

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“I was always good at acting & making people laugh. I remember in 12th grade I took part in a drama competition–the chief guest said that I shouldn’t participate, because it was unfair to the others! After I finished my masters in theatre, I came to Mumbai to act. But for the first year, I only partied. I lived in a posh area, using my savings & some money from home. I’d only earn around Rs.500 a month. But I thought I’d be successful soon. Eventually I realised that there were many like me, who were ‘superstars’ of their town & ‘strugglers’ here. Soon I had no income & was given a harsh reality check. I was demotivated. But I remembered how my dad wanted to be a radio announcer & even had an offer. But because my granddad was against it, he had to work at a bank & regretted it. I didn’t want to let my dreams go. So I picked up the pieces & rigorously looked for work. But the road was still rocky. Once I’d been selected to act in a TV show–we’d even shot for a few days. But when I stopped getting my time to come on set, I called the team–they said I’d been replaced. At the same time I also started getting work in voiceovers. So when I’d be rejected from TV & films, I had a cushion to fall back upon–something that most didn’t have. I realised how fortunate I was & regained my strength bit by bit. Around that time, I got offered to do a radio show. It was only going to be aired in Delhi, but when that show went live, it went viral! They decided to air it across India! After that, I got work in radio, TV & films. Soon ‘Gutthi’ happened & in no time, became a household name! I remember I was called on a live show & when I went on stage, the audience was roaring for me! I turned to make sure there wasn’t anyone else, whom they were clapping for–but it was all for me. It took several moments like that, to bring back that young boy in me, who used to think that he could conquer the world. The young boy who used to make sure that everyone around him was smiling & entertained. The young boy who didn’t let failures dim his dreams & overpower his need for victory. So even though I’ve come this far… this young boy has a long way to go.”

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