Actor Swara Bhasker recently got into a verbal altercation with director Raaj Shaandilyaa (of Dream Girl fame) on Twitter, after he referred to her as a ‘sasti cheez’. He has now deleted the tweet. 

Indian Express

Swara Bhasker, who has never been one to take inappropriate comments lying down, was quick to call him out for his choice of words. 

In response, Raaj Shaandilyaa offered a form of apology but ultimately asked Swara to offer the same courtesy to other people that she expected to be offered to her. 

However, ultimately, Swara Bhasker had the last word and made it clear in her tweet that it was Raaj who was resorting to personal comments. 

Swara Bhasker has constantly tweeted in support of anti-CAA protests, while also expressing solidarity with students of JNU and Jamia.