Legendary filmmaker, Yash Chopra who passed away in the year 2012, lives on through his distinctive work in people’s hearts. He also captured the breathtaking locales of Switzerland on celluloid and the Swiss government is now honouring him with a special statue, as a mark of gratitude. 

The statue was inaugurated on Wednesday.

b’Source: DD/YouTube’

The sculpture is made of pure bronze, and weighs nearly 350 kilos and depicts the legendary director directing a film. 

This statue will be installed at the heart of Interlaken, near the Congress Centre, which is a popular spot for tourists. 

b’Pamela Chopra (alongside statue) and Rani Mukerji (in tan coat) inaugurate the statue. Source: Yash Raj Films’

Pamela Chopra and Rani Mukerji were present for the inauguration along with ministers and senior bureaucrats from the Swiss government. The event was organised by Interlaken Tourism and Jungfrau Railways.

This is not the first time the filmmaker has been honoured by the Swiss. The government of Interlaken had awarded him the honorary title of “Ambassador of Interlaken” in 2011, and Jungfrau Railways named a train after him. In addition, the five-star Victoria Jungfrau Grand Hotel & Spa in Interlaken named a suite after the director.