Top Tamil star Suriya Sivakumar on Tuesday lashed out at animal rights advocacy group PETA India for its opposition to Jallikattu, saying it is “paradoxical to see those aiding extinction of native breeds talk about cruelty to animals” in the bull-taming sport.
The ‘Singam’ series actor threw his weight behind the agitating volunteers demanding lifting of ban on Jallikattu, saying such voluntary protests will always be genuine.
He charged People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) with carrying out a “campaign of lies” that Jallikattu is inimical to bulls.
“The group called PETA which won in the court of law by carrying out a campaign of lies that Jallikattu was inimical to bulls has lost in the people’s court. It is paradoxical to see those aiding extinction of native breeds talk about cruelty to bulls”, Suriya said referring to the oft-used refrain that the ban will affect growth of native cattle breed.
“Protests by young volunteers is reflective of the common mood of the people of Tamil Nadu. These protests will bear fruit and Jallikattu will happen soon in Tamil Nadu,” he said, adding, “the people of the state should resist any move that would endanger our heritage and identity.”
“Words such as heritage, identity and history are generally being used by scholars but are now the buzzwords among youth due to Jallikattu issue. Thanks to all those who secured a ban on Jallikattu and prompted the youth to fight for a common cause,” Suriya added.
Earlier, super star Rajinikanth and Kamal Haasan had extended their support to the bull-taming sport.