After raising important social issues in their song Ae bhai, tune puppy kyun li? and Baby Doll, India’s “much loved” singer duo, ‘Meet Brothers, ‘ are back to do what they do best: induce cringe.

Their latest song, Party Animals, is as difficult to listen to as it is to watch. Actually to be fair, the video of Party Animals is more difficult to watch than watching Siddhu laugh on a loop.

We say this because we loved Mad Max: Fury Road and this is what the Meet Brothers have done to it:


In this video, Meet Brothers took the violent world of Mad Max: Fury Road and added every bit of Indian misogyny to it.

The result: face-fist.

Here, look at this piece of “art” and let us know if molestation of cinema should be allowed:


Like we said, face-fist.
