The unfortunate goof-up that happened at the Oscars on Sunday evening left many feeling bad for the makers of the critically acclaimed, ‘La La Land’ who had their moment of glory for precisely 20 seconds. But guess, that wasn’t it. 

b’Image source: PTI’

Adding to the many woes of Host Jimmy Kimmel who until the last minute gaffe thought everything was just going fine, had one more reason to wallow. His bitter-sweet feud of many years with Hollywood actor, Matt Damon was scheduled for a light-hearted segment aiming at hilarity. The joke in question was saved for the last. But then all hell broke loose for the world to witness.

b’Image psurce: Instagram/JimmyKimmel’

An insider spoke to US Weekly stating, “Jimmy had a whole bit that got nixed obviously because of the Best Picture mix-up — he was going to do a whole thing with Matt Damon asking him what it’s like to be a loser. It was the perfect end to the night, but then obviously once the whole envelope thing happened, it got scrapped.”


But then, fate had its own sense of humour planned for the gallery. 

We feel you Kimmel!


Feature image: File photo. Image source: Youtube screenshot