Emraan Hashmi starrer film Azhar is all set to release next Friday. The film is based on the real life story on Mohammad Azharuddin who was implicated in a cricket match-fixing scandal in 2000, and banned by BCCI for life. In 2012, the Andhra Pradesh High Court lifted the ban, describing it as “unsustainable”.
The sting operation on the scandal had shocked the nation and the world of cricket. The lid was blown off several players through the expose.
The filmmakers are saying the film may feature the original footage, and this is bound to create some nervousness in the cricket fraternity.
‘We have re-created the sting from existing footage available, but we’re trying to get our legal teams to figure the process to insert parts of the real tapes.’ Let’s see if the real footage does make it through on the big screen or the makers have to rely on the recreated footage to stay as authentic as possible,” said Tony D’Souza, the director of the film told ScoopWhoop.
Watch the original sting operation featuring former Mumbai police commissioner Rakesh Maria right here:
In the biopic Azhar, Emraan Hashmi is playing the role of cricketer Azharuddin, Nargis Fakhri plays Sangeeta Bijlani and Prachi Desai Azhar’s first wife Naureen.