The latest Bond movie, No Time To Die is the last 007 movie that’ll star Daniel Craig as James Bond. But while the movie has not even released yet, speculations about the next Bond are at an all time high. 

If the rumours are to be believed, Tom Hardy who is best known for his roles in Mad Max Fury Road, The Dark Knight RisesVenom and The Revenant might don the famous tux and become the new James Bond. 

Mental Floss

The news was reported by The Vulcan Report, which claims that Hardy was offered the role of the 007 secret agent in June after he gave an audition. The news was supposed to be announced in November, but that is now the same month when No Time To Die hits theaters. 

According to the site, Hardy will allegedly be named the new Bond in 2021. 

Twitter has been more than excited to hear this news. 

Even though there’s no confirmation about this, it’s going to be amazing if it turns out to be true.