Animal released last week and it changed how we see men, human beings, and well, humanity. People who like the film like its unapologetic sense of self. Sure, THAT is one way to look at it. The director also says that some things are justified in love – and he’s very proud of it. The film is, in fact, very proud of most things that were portrayed in it – the idea of alpha men, for example.

According to Animal, women have always been attracted to alpha men, because they have those “likable” traits. So, here’s how you can become one… according to Sandeep Reddy Vanga:

1. Show a concerningly high obsession with hair on the body… everywhere.


2. Talk to women about their pelvis, and the ability to procreate.

Sandeep Reddy Vanga

3. Tell women what to do. Control what they eat and drink.


4. Never sing or write poetry, that’s for the betas to do.


5. Do not be stingy with abuses. Hurl them left and right, even when you don’t get the chance.


6. Consent is for everyone but you.


7. You do not have to empathize with women. Keep reminding them that it’s a man’s world.


8. Aggression speaks louder than words, so people should always be scared around you.


9. Sexist jokes are the way to go.


10. Learn how to justify infidelity. It comes handy.

Of everything that the world needs to learn, here’s what cinema has to offer.