This Friday, the much-awaited Bollywood crime-thriller Sikandar Ka Muqaddar released on Netflix. The movie has been co-written and directed by Neeraj Pandey, who has created acclaimed titles including A Wednesday, Special 26, and Baby. Starring ace actors like Jimmy Shergill, Tamannaah Bhatia, Avinash Tiwary, Divya Dutta, and Rajeev Mehta (Praful Parekh from the popular TV serial Khichdi), cinema lovers are carrying high expectations from the film.
The story revolves around a 2009 daring diamond heist that involves Investigating Officer Jaswinder Singh (Shergill) obsessively bent on unmasking the culprit behind the robbery. Based on what he describes as ‘moolvriti‘ or his instincts, he goes chasing after three key suspects – Mangesh Desai (Mehta), Kamini Singh (Bhatia), and Sikandar Sharma (Tiwary).
While Kamini and Mangesh were serving as staff members at the stall showcasing the stolen red solitaires, Sikandar was working as a computer engineer at the exhibition on the day of the heist. Officer Singh is certain that either one or all of them have executed this evil plan. But as the investigation digs deeper, the lives of all the four characters change drastically. Would he succeed in pinning the real thief down and retrieving the jewels?
One thing is for sure, the movie looks intriguing and gripping, especially since it is narrated in Neeraj Pandey’s signature storytelling style. Check out what X users think about this flick.
You can catch Sikandar Ka Muqaddar streaming on Netflix this weekend. Happy watching!