The use and misuse of social media is a known fact to some and unknown to most who use it on a daily basis. Netflix’s new documentary The Great Hack is out and it is here to tell you that every picture and every click of a button is not just your own.
Before watching the gripping story that focuses on how data was manipulated in the 2016 US elections, read these tweets.
If you’re not doing anything else tonight, watch #TheGreatHack on Netflix. It’s really, really important that you see what’s being done to our country and the rest of the world. Don’t be the last to know. #TheGreatHackNetflix
— Callie Khouri (@CallieKhouri) July 30, 2019
Remember When trump told the world that he wanted to hack the elections with putin, I do!!!#TheGreatHack #HandMarkedPaperBallot
— 🆘mammawatchdog🌊🗽 (@leiatheresister) July 25, 2019
Please watch #TheGreatHack to see how our democracy is being subverted
— Molly Scott Cato MEP (@MollyMEP) July 28, 2019
The information is out there: share it
We need to act together to protect our civil and political rights
Me after watching #TheGreatHack @netflix
— Meryl Schorr (@mjschorr) July 30, 2019
Watched #TheGreatHack last night. I’ve followed the CA stuff closely so it’s not new. But what’s really striking is the sheer scale and the complicity of a lot of people who knew exactly what was going on. As @carolecadwalla says, can we ever be assured of a fair election again?
— Esq. Cult of the Random Sheep 🐑 🇮🇪🇪🇺🇬🇧 (@boffingirl) July 30, 2019
The message I want to send is clear
— Alex Cooper (@AlexPCoop) July 30, 2019
I abhor my data being used
against my will,
unless I want to post something loosely topical,
in which case it’s fine
•#TheGreatHack #Netflix
Watched @NetflixANZ #TheGreatHack with my class today. We decided that Brittany Kaiser looks like Dustin from Stranger Things in a wig.
— Andrew (@andrew_85) July 25, 2019
I just watched the film. Great job.
— lauralouisiana (@llauralouisiana) July 27, 2019
So infuriating.
Just saw #TheGreatHack on @netflix.
— Edoni (@edoni14) July 24, 2019
Data rights are human rights. #OwnYourData
Just finished watching and I was amazed on how much data we give out as individuals.
— decross21 (@decross211) July 26, 2019
Just the finished the film – blown away. Truely an amazing piece of storytelling!
— Mike Dion (@goodlifecyclist) July 26, 2019
Whoever wants to know how they are being manipulated online, watch #TheGreatHack on @netflix.
— Gretchen Ho (@gretchenho) July 29, 2019
If we don’t put limits on how our data is being used, who knows where the world will be tomorrow? S-c-a-r-y 😲
Just watched #Netflix #TheGreatHack . Absolutely worthwhile. Unbelievable that Nix and his associates still walk the streets. They interfered in dozens of elections worldwide for years using Military Grade technology and stolen data, but only raised eyebrows when it hit UK/US
— swen_28002 🇬🇧 🇪🇸 🇩🇪 🇫🇷 🇳🇱 🇪🇺🔶 (@Swen28002) July 26, 2019
Maybe I’m getting paranoid after watching #TheGreatHack , but I would be very wary about taking part in any polls, either on Twitter, or especially Facebook.
— Jackie Swearalot #FBPE 🇪🇸🇪🇺#SwearyLadiesGang (@JackieHKnapp) July 28, 2019
Who knows what data points are being collected and by whom?
Just watched #TheGreatHack -staggering level of personal data abuse more valuable than oil! On a global scale tailored messages change behaviour by stoking hate & fear. Bannon “If you want to rebuild society you first have to break it”
— Susan Scarrott #FBPE (@SueScarrott) July 24, 2019
Psychological war that threatens democracy!
At the end of #TheGreatHack we learn that Trump ran 5.9 million ads on Facebook compared with Clinton’s 66,000.
— Deborah Newton-Cook Esq.,🔶 #RevokeArt50 #FBPE (@DNewtonC) July 25, 2019
That was enough to win it for Trump – 70,000 voters in three States.
Cummings said @LeaveEUOfficial sent out 1.5 Billion (!) unregulated ads on Facebook.#StopBrexit
I urge everyone who has access to Netflix to watch #TheGreatHack. If you are a social media user, it is important to know how the data you put out there can be used and fed back to you in a way that influences your real life behaviour and decisions.
— Melo ✨ (@melosets) July 29, 2019
I wonder what fresh horrors this week will bring?
— Jackie Swearalot #FBPE 🇪🇸🇪🇺#SwearyLadiesGang (@JackieHKnapp) July 29, 2019
If you haven’t already watched it, #TheGreatHack on Netflix is a MUST see.
I was shocked at how easily our online activity has been used – maybe you won’t be.
Please retweet.
After watching #TheGreatHack I need to move to a country whose body politic hasn’t been infected by the toxic virus of Cambridge Analytica & associated entities. The scale of their unethical psy-ops & the damage it’s done to western democracy is unprecedented & truly terrifying
— Tim Marshall (@timjmarshall) July 24, 2019
A must watch for every human being. It will make you question everything you do online and what you see on social media and how we are being manipulated with our own data. #TheGreatHack
— ᴘʀɪʏᴀᴍ ᴋᴀɴᴜɴɢᴏ 🍴 (@badmashtoka) July 25, 2019
If you do one thing today, watch #TheGreatHack on Netflix. It will change how you view what our governments call democracy when it comes to political campaigning. Data protection and transparency are both more important than ever. Data rights are human rights.
— Ben Hunter (@Ben_hunter98) July 24, 2019
Just watch #TheGreatHack
— Russ (@RussInCheshire) July 25, 2019
Hadn’t realised tech @LeaveUK used to fight Brexit is banned by UK as “military-grade psychological warfare technology”
They deny using it. But evidence in #GreatHack shows they did.
Military-grade PsychOps, against our own citizens.