When AR Rahman received his Oscar for Jai Ho, in his speech he mentioned the iconic dialogue, “Mere paas Maa hai” – to address his mother in the audience. Just try to fathom the context of it, a Tamil man receiving arguably the biggest award of his life, decides to say a dialogue from a movie which was not in a language he generally speaks in, that too in the tiniest time he was allotted for his speech. That was the impact of the Salim-Javed’s dialogues.

The Kashmir Monitor

Dialogues like mere paas maa hai, ye haath humko de de Thakur, Don ko pakadna mushkil hi nahin namumkin hai, and yeh police station hai tumhare baap ka ghar nahin, written by the duo, will echo in the hearts of Indians till movies as an art form survives. Not just their dialogues and stories they wrote for the reel, but their lives in real were enthralling as well.

The Hindu

Their journey through years has been aptly captured in the new Amazon Prime Videos docu-series Angry Young Men. From losing their minds over the fact that they charged more than the leading stars of their times to their split, here’s how Twitter is reacting to the incredible tale legendary duo.

Though this intriguing narration is loved by many, some criticised it for offering too less insight into how the Salim and Javed sahab approached their craft working together. It’s evident from the tweets that some cinephiles wanted a deeper dive into the story of their stardom and split.

If you love stories about movies and people who make them, or just stories about the impeccable human spirit, this 3-episode-long series has to be on the top of your watch-list.