Chadwick Boseman’s passing away this morning has been disastrous news for millions of his fans around the world. 

The actor, 43-year-old, was battling colon cancer for the last few years and ultimately succumbed to the disease. 

However, very few people knew about his health condition. In fact, there are number of movies he did while going through chemo therapies and surgeries. 

Which just breaks our hearts, as fans, and reminds us of this one time when he couldn’t stop himself from crying while thinking of two kids who passed away, also due to cancer. 

What made Chad emotional was the loss of course, but also the fact that those kids were waiting to ‘hold on’ until the release of Black Panther

Speaking about it at an event, he said that things like these make you realise that you got to get up and work. Because someone’s happiness, sometimes even life depends on it. 

Their parents said, ‘They’re trying to hold on till this movie comes’…To a certain degree, you hear them say that and you’re like, ‘Wow. I gotta get up and go to the gym. I gotta get up and go to work. I gotta learn these lines. I gotta work on this accent.

Adding that while it’s tough to believe that your own movie can mean so much to someone, but there are certain things that make you realise that it, in fact is. 

To a certain degree, it’s a humbling experience, because you’re like, ‘This can’t mean that much to them.’ You know? But seeing how the world has taken this on; seeing how the movement and how it’s taken on a life of its own, I realize that they anticipated something great.

Talking about the boys, Chad said that their anticipation of Black Panther, took him back to his own childhood when he used to wait for festivals to get presents. 

I think back now to a kid, and just you know, waiting for Christmas to come, waiting for my birthday to come, waiting for a toy that I was going to get a chance to experience, or a video game. I did live life waiting for those moments. And so, it put me back in the mind of being a kid just to experience those two little boys anticipation of this movie.

Then, Chad just breaks down at the thought of the kids’ passing and simply says: ‘It means a lot’. 

You can watch the video here: