Imagine waking up as Mukesh Ambani one day. Yes, with a net worth of $9,310 crores at your disposal, you can do literally anything you want. What’d be your first thought? To go on a world tour? To explore Antilia?

Agreed, the first instinct may just be to transfer money to our original selves. But dig deep. You can venture into the deep space, ensure permanent job security for yourself, or even meet your role model – well, that is what people, both online and offline, have actually answered. Take a look:
1. “Transfer money and go live in my village for peace of mind.”
2. “Apart from transferring all the money, I’d use all my power and influence to bring Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour concert to India – it’s been a long time comin!'”
– Anonymous

3. “Give the original me a permanent job in the Infra/Jio division, or atleast a trainee position with PPO. Tired of all the interviews in the past year, as a fresher.”
4. “HOUSE TOUR!!!”

5. “Apart from transferring all the money, I’d use all my power and influence to bring Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour concert to India – it’s been a long time comin’!”
– Anonymous
6. “Sleep again and hope I woke up as Jeff Bezoz. Just kidding call an meeting for all Mumbai Indians players.”

7. “The first thing I’ll do when I wake up is be more realistic.”
8. “I’d have way too much unnecessary money for easy disposal, I will spend it on the needy.”
– Aaliyah

9. “Fix Mumbai’s potholes and infrastructure. I’m way too rich to be driving on these roads.”
10. “I’d make a self-sustaining bunker which would have all essential utilities, like, oxygen, clothes, food, guns etc to survive the apocalypse.”
– Anonymous

11. “I’d pinch myself until I’m awake.”
– Snigdha
12. “Do hell with an ordinary life. I’d go to the moon. Or probably, sponsor the technology to go and find a substitute to planet Earth, and start a civilisation there. I’d be my own passenger.”
– Anonymous

All we want is a shitload of money now!
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