Yeah, although the unavoidable part is that every soul comforting food comes with an equally baggy calorie count. But we cannot just stay sad, can we? We NEED great food. 

Some days just suck and most of the times, we cannot do anything about it. 

But food can!


So here’s the deal. What if I say that we can get healthy and yummy in one package? Don’t believe me? Then here’s something for you.




What you’ll need:

Oats- 1 Cup

Milk -1 Cup

Sugar – 2 Teaspoons

Pineapple – 2-3 Slices chopped

Kiwi – 1 Chopped

Coconut flakes – 2 Tablespoons

Chia seeds – 1 Tablespoon

And here’s how to do it:

1. Cook the oats with milk and sugar till it comes to a boil.

2. Pour it into a bowl, garnish with pineapple, kiwi, coconut flakes and chia seeds.

That’s it! Serve the delicacy warm or cold!


Isn’t this mouthwatering as well as great to look at? You can also work on a winning Quaker oats recipe and stand a chance of winning Rs. 50 Lakhs! Just take up Chef Vikas Khanna’s #BringYourTastiestBowl Challenge here

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