Honestly, I don’t understand people when they say they don’t like winters. Yes, our toes may occasionally be in danger of freezing off and yes, we think twice about braving any kind of contact with water, but think of all that the season offers! Warm, fuzzy blankets; the feel of snow on your palms, the sun on a winter morning, and most of all, the warmth of a hot beverage seeping through your fingers. This season, in general, is just incomplete without the perfect beverage. So if you’re really planning to enjoy the nippy weather, here’s a bucket list of 8 magical brews that you absolutely have to try!
All those for whom coffee is primary sustenance, this one is a delightful godsend. As the video shows, one sip of this delectable drink and your drowsy exhaustion will vanish in a jiffy. Available at a Cafe Coffee Day near you, it has all the ingredients of our trusted Cappuccino with an upside down twist that makes it that much more amazing. Seriously, scram.
Take it from me; there is no problem in the world that looks difficult after a cup of good ol’ hot cocoa. If you’ve got something on your mind, grab your coat and walk to the nearest CCD. Take the window seat and people-watch while sipping on the perfect beverage.
When it doubt, go classic. I know that didn’t make much sense as a rhyme, but one sip of this delicious go-to drink and the warmth coursing through you will make you forget about everything else. Watch the video here, followed by a mad rush to a CCD near you to taste it. Tip: Take a book if you want to get the full experience. (Read: avoid people you don’t want to talk to anyway.)
Personally, I think any piece of red velvet cake is happiness on a plate. Combine it with the zip of a latte, and as Frozen said, “Hot and cold are both so intense, put ’em together it just makes sense!” Grab one at a CCD near you.
Let’s get one thing straight: if you don’t like cranberries, I don’t like you. As someone who consumes variations of cranberry like water, this beauty is pure heaven in its heady combination of rich coffee and the lingering flavor of the-best-berries-anywhere-ever. Watch its story here, and be sure to try this one the next time you visit CCD.
Take my word for it, if you drink only one thing this winter, it should be this. This beautiful concoction of chocolate and cranberries explodes inside your mouth and instantly makes a day look up. Watch the story behind its making here, and have one at a CCD to experience its magique.
I came across this one after a particularly unfortunate adventure out on the streets of Delhi, and I have never gone back. If you ever find yourself lost in a busy marketplace on a rainy winter evening, look for a CCD and order one of these. Trust me, this feels like home.
The world has many things to thank the Irish for: their spunk, spirit, and of course, Jamie Dornan and Micheal Fassbender. Well, with this twist on our go-to beverage, we can add one more thing to the list. Seriously, grab one at a CCD near you and you’ll find yourself agreeing with me.
Oh, how I wish I had a drink right now. Oh, you know what I mean!
Amazing designs by Disha Bhanot