Tea is a sacred magic portion that instantly makes you feel and function better. It’s not only us who are saying, scientists agree too.  


We’ve got some good news for all you tea-lovers!

recent study has revealed that regular tea drinkers have healthier cognitive functioning, compared to non-tea drinkers. 

Whisk Affair

The study was conducted by the National University Of Singapore where the research team examined neuroimaging data of 36 adults before they came to this wonderful conclusion. 


So in short this means that tea makes us smarter right? 


Assistant Professor Feng Lei — a lead in the research from The Department of Psychological Medicine also mentioned: 

Our results offer the first evidence of positive contribution of tea drinking to brain structure, and suggest that drinking tea regularly has a protective effect against age-related decline in brain organisation. 

Not only that, researchers have also found that individuals who’ve consumed green tea, oolong tea or black tea, 4 times a week for 25 years have had brain regions that were interconnected more efficiently.  


Every Indian ever, right now. 


Even though there are studies about how tea is an instant mood lifter and a great de-stressor, I think this new study has taken the trophy.