No matter how much pain they give you, you know you’ll still find pleasure in these beauties on your feet. These memes may not soothe the pain from wearing heels, but they sure as hell know your love-hate relationship with them far too well.

1. When your heels were comfortable when you put them on at home, but get painful AF the moment you step out.

2. When you’ve got to get your stunt woman on to avoid the literal breaking point.

3. But your heel has a mind of its own, after all.

4. Because, well…

5. Can’t. Feel. Anything.

6. Alone. So painful and alone.

7. That awesome moment when you finally throw those heels off and dance the night away. But then this happens.

8. I am a machine with the ability to do some serious landscape changes.

9. I can also plough fields in my downtime.

10. Why am I happy yet I’m crying inside?

11. Those little joys, though.

12. And those desperate moments when the pavement is a chair.

13. That burning sensation in my feet though.

14. Beauty is pain.

But they still look bangin’ and that feeling of getting rid of them at the end of the day is what I look forward to.

Design Credits: Nupur Agrawal