In association with Motilal Oswal

Let’s face it. Life is full of backlashes. And some of them can leave you with a pain in the bum (pun intended!), revealing what the face of instant regret looks like. 

Sadly, we can’t edit these moments out of the sugar coated cringe fests that our lives are. And like that weren’t enough, what hurts more is when your goofy moment is filmed for anybody to see for the rest of time. More hurt still, when it goes viral and sets the world on a laugh riot. 

Sad, but we’re still laughing!  

So make sure you’re seated safe. Coz these gifs are pure hilarious, so don’t blame us if lose an arm or a leg while laughing 😛

These girls probably want another swing at life.

And now we all know what you did last summer!

When your umbrella has a mind of its own .

Not sure if Rihanna had this in mind!

To all the gym freaks, with love.

TBH, his pull-up form is complete trash.

aaaahhh…. crash!

P.S: If you’re laughing, you’re mean!

Tumblin’ in the deep!

We’re swimming in our happy tears

While you’re holding on to your stomach and laughing, do remember that these are consequences of using some poor quality products. Likewise, Poor quality stocks may perform in the short term, but in the long run, they are sure to hurt your equity portfolio. Hence, you should invest in quality businesses over long term and achieve your financial goals.This is the message that Motilal Oswal is trying to convey through this hilarious video. Take a look.

Life may backfire on you in any moment. So remember, its better to be safe.