You upload a sensational selfie on Instagram, cue your friends’ comments, ‘Omg, I envy you so much’, ‘Gorgeous’ and even ‘#Goals’ under it, the photo gets 400-500 likes, you are happy. Then, your parents see the photo and for the next few minutes, you feel like you are on your own personal roast.

Parents making fun of the latest trend is not a very rare sight, but, this dad took it one step further when it came to embarrassing his daughter. This story is of a 48-year-old father, Burr Martin who now enjoys an impressive following on Instagram. Here’s a look at this daughter’s instagram account.

And now, here’s dad.

Isn’t he the coolest dad on the Internet? Also, he posts occasional videos that showcases the lovely bond between the father-daughter duo.

You can’t curse in Salt Lake. That’s so weird. Nothing comes out. #selfiedad #selfiedaughter #saltlakecity #mormonstyle

A video posted by Burr Martin (@therealburrmartin) on

Who said parents can’t be cooler than their children on the Internet?