#extroverts on the second day of #SocialDistancing pic.twitter.com/eUSKcRhQdG
— Charity Tees (@CryptoGrandmama) March 16, 2020
My heart is with #extroverts who are stuck home alone and #introverts who are stuck home with others.#ExtrovertProblems#IntrovertProblems#QuarantineLife #CoronavirusOutbreak pic.twitter.com/ak2sY9ZO54
— Matt H (@altum_intuitiva) March 17, 2020
* #Extroverts on a lock down because of #CoronavirusOutbreak * pic.twitter.com/Nd8PnLWxxG
— Prerna Saxena (@theprernalife) March 15, 2020
My extrovert mind: Oh I’m just fed up with this quarantine n chill.
— Paul Vinayak (@vinayakpaul) March 18, 2020
My introvert ass: pic.twitter.com/3fIU5YhHcA
To all the #extroverts struggling in #SelfIsolation I sincerely feel for you.
— Mallory Kelly (@author_mkelly) March 17, 2020
Welcome to the “I hate this” feeling #introverts get when you show up at our homes unexpectedly. pic.twitter.com/hPEPYoLnBT
“I can’t wait to go back to the office!” things I never thought I’d say… 😔The #stayhomechallenge is miserable for us #extroverts
— Olivia Hook Frey (@livhookfrey) March 17, 2020
*Day 4 of Quarantine*#Extroverts: pic.twitter.com/YDyKFwtC3m
— Vikash Paul (@vikashpaulcomic) March 18, 2020
#extroverts I know they stressing right now
— Prince Xai (@PrinceXaiver) March 18, 2020
#Extroverts on Day Whatever of #socialdistancing. #coronavirus #CoronaQuarantine pic.twitter.com/PAMS6frFCD
— Gwen Moran (@gwenmoran) March 18, 2020
How we #Extroverts are coping through #SocialDistancing #selfquarantine #isolationandchill #coronavirus https://t.co/2UuUShP62u
— Paula Edgar, Inclusion Strategy Solutions LLC (@PaulaEdgar) March 20, 2020
Do a wellness check on #extroverts. We are not okay! #cabinfever #highered #copingwithcovidisolation pic.twitter.com/LoBPBUdDXJ
— Karen Lindsey, Ph.D. (@drKLinzy) March 19, 2020
Shout out to the #extroverts social distancing themselves, working from home, and staying away from everyone they love. I see you and feel your pain. #COVID19 #coronavirus pic.twitter.com/KXw2rqPtKh
— ENKER (@ENKERsmash) March 18, 2020
Nature was so annoyed with #extroverts that it made sure everyone becomes #introvert .#QuarantineLife#covidindia #Coronaindia #COVID19 #SelfIsolation #SocialDistancing
— Funny_side__up (@Funnysideup4) March 18, 2020
When you’re an extrovert trying your best to practice social distancing #COVID19 #extroverts pic.twitter.com/SdsnUWUDjP
— Kelly Wright MD (@MigsRunner) March 14, 2020
Now #extroverts can see how #introverts feel. We don’t want to go out as much as you don’t want to stay in. 😩
— Ría (@xria_c) March 18, 2020
I knew #extroverts would kill us and now it’s coming true. People are terrified of not being around a bunch of other people. It’s completely alien and anxiety inducing for them. #coronapocolypse
— Dale Chapman (@crudfish44) March 17, 2020
Are there any #extroverts out there who are going nuts 🥜?!?! I can’t not be around people! This is insanity.
— Kween Justine, MSPH 👸🏻 (@SassClassNiceAs) March 18, 2020
If we all start working from home, we need to check in on the extroverts.
— Sonia Cuff (@SoniaCuff) March 3, 2020
to all you #extroverts the tables have turned! it’s time you ask your #introvert friends on how not to be #social LOL
— Clatherious ☸️ (@prdpgn) March 18, 2020
Hey #introverts, I have a favor to ask. It may be out of your comfort zone, but please check up on the #extroverts in your lives. We draw our energy from the people around us, so voluntary isolation and forced social distancing are both exhausting and disheartening.
— BeerandCrosswords (@beerandxwords) March 13, 2020
All the #extroverts are being forced into #introvert life. Now y’all know how it feels when you make us go to those big parties & conventions.
— Jacki HollywoodBrown (@JackiHBrown) March 17, 2020
Former extrovert turned mostly introvert after wfh full time for the last 10 years. Sometimes I have lengthy conversations with cashiers at the grocery store. Send help.
— Darci (@rice1370) March 3, 2020
#Extroverts #quarantined due to #ChineseVirus lol https://t.co/sdTcp7lRXn
— I Don’t Troll (@I_DontTroll) March 17, 2020
#socialdiscomfort is suddenly about the fear of NOT being involved in interactions with other people. And it is mostly experienced by #extroverts. Very ironic…#CoronaVirusChallenge #covid19
— Lilith (@lilits96) March 18, 2020
I don’t recall extroverts being so solicitous when we wanted to be just LEFT ALONE.
— Meander061 (@meander061) March 17, 2020
The #extroverts need to damn chill as if not going out for one night is going to kill them. Think about others and not yourself #Covid_19 #Introverts please rise!
— chanthestan (@chanthestan) March 14, 2020
Dear #extroverts: we know you’re in for some tough times with the #SocialDistance. We #introverts often have to put ourselves in situations that we don’t feel comfortable in, but it’s doable. You’re going to be ok! Let us know if we can offer help or recommendations. ❤️
— Dayna Jalkanen (@CbusDayna) March 16, 2020
As an introvert who is the only outlet for an extrovert roommate going through extreme people withdrawal, every day is an exciting new nightmare for the both of us. pic.twitter.com/MPNX4GSXT6
— Carly Atkinson (@JustWantToBeCar) March 17, 2020
All of #extroverts right now 😭 pic.twitter.com/PjxO5fbDLF
— Stepheyne Apodoca (@stephyne_1) March 18, 2020
Not to make light of the situation, but as an extrovert, I finally don’t feel FOMO staying-in, reading and watching videos on a Saturday afternoon. #extroverts
— Adam Walker (@walkadm) March 14, 2020
Us #extroverts are doing very well in quarantine. We just talk on the phone, text, Zoom, Slack, tweet, Skype and Snap. Simultaneously.
— Larisa Breton (@TweetLarisa) March 16, 2020
cannot believe im saying this…….but pls check on ur extroverts during this difficult time………..
— E. Alex Jung (@e_alexjung) March 16, 2020
Worked from home for the first time. Worked out pretty well once it was all set up. BUT, the silence was DEAFENING! Did not like that haha. #extroverts #workingfromhome
— Tanner Hartman (@HTannerHartman) March 14, 2020
Day 3 of ‘social distancing’ #BirdsOfPrey #HarleyQuinn #cabinfever pic.twitter.com/ZCXfyszBhd
— Annie DeMelt (@AnnieDeMelt) March 15, 2020
It’s the end of Day 4 of #SocialDistancing Goodnight all! #Coronavirus #CabinFever pic.twitter.com/AGmvm5614m
— Christian Galindo-Torres (@christiang222) March 19, 2020
This will be me in 24 hours… 😳 #cabinfever https://t.co/kSWmLh80a8
— Natalie Golding (@bennington13) March 17, 2020
Day 3 of isolation
— Veronica Solorzano (@CheeseyV_927) March 19, 2020
I must start rationing my chips for the unknown likelihood that they are no longer in the stores. I almost finished my paper, haven’t heard from Friends my theory must be correct. I stared at the wall pondering how long will I last?#cabinfever
About to start a game of flip cup with the homies over Skype #CabinFever pic.twitter.com/Aiu6gCM4l0
— colton chumbley (@chumbleycolton) March 17, 2020
#SocialDistancing is every #extroverts worst nightmare. Just sayin…sigh.
— Anupma Jain #StayHome (@anupma_j) March 15, 2020
When isolation at home helps you avoid the #coronavirus but then you get #cabinfever
— 10co (@jm10co) March 18, 2020
Me after 3 days of not leaving the house. #cabinfever #SelfQuarantine pic.twitter.com/HRGfAjVxZi
— Annika 🏹 (@sweetazngay) March 14, 2020
You kidding me – I am an extrovert and the best place for our internal monologue is @twitter! The time and ability to just be on this one platform is my idea of nirvana 😂
— Kylie Parker (LotusAccts) (@KylieParkerCA) March 3, 2020
When you start running out of things to do in quarantine… #coronavirus #cabinfever pic.twitter.com/XwRaZmq3T0
— Desin Adams (@Rosehaven13) March 13, 2020
Wondering how people who love going out and being with and around other people all the time are feeling right now! #CoronavirusOutbreak
— Akshay Nayar (@akshayn31) March 17, 2020
Reaction after reading things to avoid doing to protect yourself from corona virus.
— डी.के. (@itsdhruvism) March 6, 2020
Extroverts Introverts pic.twitter.com/sP000BRwat
Extrovert & Introverts during COVID-19 Quarantine.#allbymyselfchallenge #introvert #extrovert #coronavirus #COVID19 #coronapocolypse #meme pic.twitter.com/TI2EqtXFed
— davidslife99 (@davidslife99) March 16, 2020
So, who else misses hearing their name said about 1,578 times before they’ve finished their morning coffee? I know it isn’t just me. Humans – I miss you. Stay in touch. You are SO INCREDIBLY LOVED. #SelfDistancing #Extrovert #BabyYoda pic.twitter.com/Qtr1pLWYcK
— MrsCessna (@LSCessna) March 17, 2020
I miss my classmates
— Johntapulao_ (@johntapulao_) March 13, 2020
I miss my churchmates
I miss my friends
I miss my spiritual fam
I miss my events and errands#EXTROVERT
Introverts are loving life right now, but I’m about to lose my mind only a week in. 🙃🙃🙃#extrovert
— Justin Cressell (@Cressell5) March 18, 2020
I don’t want to be dramatic but social distancing is literally my worst nightmare #extrovert
— Nicole S (@nikspriz) March 16, 2020
Day 7 in quarantine#COVID19ON #Quarantine pic.twitter.com/hLVRgVNte5
— Daryl Dust (@DarylDust) March 19, 2020
If anyone wants a virtual lunch, let me know. #Extrovert #missadults #gcchat
— Lindsey Byrne (@lindseykbyrne) March 17, 2020
I’m never gonna complain about the noise level at poster sessions again. I promise! #extrovert #SelfIsolation #AloneTogether
— Dr. Sofia van Moorsel (@sofiavanmoorsel) March 18, 2020
For the longest time I wanted a break from college, now all I want is class so I can get out of the house #extrovert
— Ali (@AliCornelius1) March 18, 2020
It absolutely blows my mind that some of you just live this way. #StirCrazy #Extrovert #Quarantine
— Mary Santora (@mary_santora) March 18, 2020
It’s kinda comforting to see tweets by other extroverts that are like “Ok yeah social distancing is gonna suck for us but we have to do this and we’ll get through it together”. It does make me feel better about the whole situation. #coronapocolypse #SocialDistancing #extrovert
— Too Queer To Function (@EyeHeartUrFace) March 16, 2020
“COVID-19 is the most extorvert person u will ever meet” #COVID2019uk #ChineseVirus #extrovert
— JASHAN_PREET (@youngturbanator) March 18, 2020
friend: How do you handle Corona isolation as an #extrovert?
— Ur local asshole (@dr_zeddo) March 17, 2020
me: I drink and overdose until I pass out.
friend: pic.twitter.com/KAf9fEGBxd
You know you’re an #extrovert when the idea of things being shut down and having to stay home due to the virus is stressful rather than happy because you’re not sure how you’d do emotionally if you couldn’t see everyone. #extrovertproblems
— Anna Margaret (@verytrulyanna) March 12, 2020
As an extrovert, I feel alive again after chatting with two friends & seeing three human beings on zoom during the quarantine. 🌟 #truth #extrovert #strugglingtime
— Lily Li ☀️ (@LilyLi_13) March 18, 2020
How social distance is going for isolated extrovert Molly. #ExtrovertProblems pic.twitter.com/xRV5qBhvac
— Molly DUNCAN (@mollyaduncanGA) March 18, 2020
I need this Corona virus to end because I can’t take any more days of a silent office and looking at a computer screen. #extrovertproblems
— Jeremy Sippel (@jeremywsippel) March 18, 2020
I’m getting so stir crazy guys. Idk how much longer I can do this 😂 #extrovertproblems #SocialDistancingsucks
— Reality TV Junkie 💁🏻♀️ (@lovemerealitytv) March 18, 2020
My poor husband having to deal with me after I’ve been isolated all day 😅 #SocialDistancing #extrovertproblems pic.twitter.com/fK0UzzXqua
— Amanda Stofer (@AmandaStofer) March 16, 2020
As an extrovert, I’m panicking.
— Kayla Thomas 🌞 (@kaylathomasoma) March 16, 2020
Is this how introverts feel the other 99.9% of the time? #QuarantineLife #SocialDistancing #ExtrovertProblems
What’s an off-the-scale demonstrative extrovert to do in these ‘socially distant’ times?!! 🤪My dog is already covering his ears!! 🙉 #help #extrovertproblems #sendingmyselfmadalready pic.twitter.com/wJ5Hv29jsp
— Vikkii Chamberlain (@Vikkii_vix) March 18, 2020
24 hours into social distancing and I’ve already refreshed my various social media apps approximately 2 million times #extrovertproblems
— Caelyn Cobb (@caelyncobb) March 16, 2020
I’m too social for all this distancing #extrovertproblems
— Melanie Cross ✨ (@melarooskieee) March 17, 2020
While all the introverts are living their best lives with covid-19 panic. We extroverts are screaming internally. #WeNeedSocialContact #PleaseDontCancelTheThingsILove #ExtrovertProblems pic.twitter.com/FZ1oEAtrSz
— Lolly (@LollyLooWho) March 12, 2020
#Extroverts are struggling with the idea of being at home for extended periods right now.#Introverts like me are struggling with the idea of extended periods sharing their space with extroverts who have no one else to focus their attention on.
— Life on the edge (@iomallach) March 20, 2020
Dear #introverts – just remember, when this is all over we’re coming back and we’re going to have a LOT to talk about. Yours, #extroverts #CoronaOutbreak #Covid_19 #coronavirus
— Jeff Proctor (@jdproctor80) March 13, 2020
#Extroverts on a mission struggle with #SocialDistancing. That is all.
— Laura Clark (@HokieWife92) March 20, 2020
Current situation of #Extroverts pic.twitter.com/JNt337ua0S
— Akshay SINGH Bhati (@sarcasticasb898) March 20, 2020
When you thought you’d be #introverting during #Quarantine but you’re locked in with #extroverts pic.twitter.com/W5wL4f2UNc
— 🐰🌟Trance Bunny🌟🐰 (@TranceBunny) March 20, 2020
#Introverts laughing at all the #extroverts dealing with being shut down pic.twitter.com/SupwzMz9Ut
— Antwoin Monach (@AntwoinMonach) March 19, 2020
Check in: How are my #extroverts doing during this #QuarentineLife ? pic.twitter.com/Fsxxxdscqu
— Alexandria Wells (@anomaless) March 19, 2020
Virtual conversations are not conversations. I’m going to make a list of all the things I’ll do and the people I meet once I’m out of this house arrest.