Naveen Richard is one of the new wave of Indian comedians I really dig. He’s got this effortless humour that you know comes naturally to him, plus that accent makes everything better. His show, Better Life Foundation, filmed as a mockumentary, was pretty new to the Indian scene. His stand-up is also totally righteous (do people still say that anymore?). 


Recently though, he’s really started to embrace the Tamilian way of life (and elocution). His ‘character’, Uncle Francis has a whole lot to say about Facebook, pressure cookers and herpes, and you should really experience it in all it’s southy glory.

Take a look at Uncle Francis trying to explain his name to a bemused Kenny Sebastian.

Or this complaint Uncle has about the constant cooking of ladies’ finger in the house.

Or him trying to figure out why his wife wants him to have a certain kind of medicine… 

Pretty much any life situation you can think of, Uncle Prawn-Jizz has got something weird to say about it. 

Check out the rest of Uncle’s wacky escapades here!