Sports isn’t just about the players on the field, it’s also about the fans who come to show their support. It’s about their passion. Their cheers and jeers that make players emote on the field through their performances. As momentary as it is, sport can make you forget all the worries in life. Rioting after your team, revelling in a huge victory or crying when you’re losing. That’s sport. It’s an emotion for fans.

There are certain slogans and banners that show the two most important aspects of being a fan – loyalty & rivalry! Be it through humour or just creative ways of mocking the rivals, these things will always be part of sports and they only make it better. Here are 23 banners that will make you love sports even more:

1. English fans have never been lucky.

2. Priorities.

3. They have their own Flying Dutchmen.

4. Not your conventional 14th February surprise.

5. These guys are just fishing for trouble.

6. Minimum effort, maximum result!

7. The lucky ones.

8. The Irish, at their best.

9. Honesty is the best policy.

10. You’re actually sitting behind him, mate. But the commitment is commendable.

11. A really bold statement.

12. Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogogoch is an actual Welsh town. So don’t be surprised by this banner.

13. He is the most charitable athlete, but I doubt he would have agreed to the second demand.

14. Word play by Chelsea fans, making their feelings clear on their ‘interim’ manager.

15. Best way to get your banner on TV!


16. If this didn’t work, nothing will.

17. And he must be wondering what the damn sign says!

18. That fan is just being a d**k to ESPN!

19. Funny, this is.

20. Let’s hope for this kid’s sake, they did win it.

21. On Shane Warne’s return, after a 12 month ban. He wasn’t exactly the fittest on the field, but they still loved him.

22. WordNameplay.

23. No one likes refs!

Sports isn’t always about fun and games. But sometimes, it’s just a lot of fun.