The end of the financial year is approaching and it is always accompanied by the dreadful thought of losing your hard-earned money. It’s almost painful to see that huge chunk of your salary getting deducted in one go.

And the number of documents and investment proofs we submit in the name of “tax saving” is a whole new ball game.

But what if I tell you there’s a way to build your wealth. That’s right! A new ‘science’ experiment has been conducted that successfully decodes the complex problem surrounding your hard-earned money once and for all. It has been found that your khoon-paseene-ki-mehnat is likely to remain yours if you follow the formula given in this funny video. This way, your hard-earned money has the potential to grow and tax filing might never be an anxiety-driven ride anymore. Can it get simpler than this? #KhushiKeAansu

Watch the experiment to know more.