Young mothers-to-be, would you believe me if I told you that there was a way in which you could trick your toddlers into believing that you were physically present with them while you’re actually away? 

Well, Sato Nazia, a woman residing in Japan has come up with a brilliant idea to keep her baby calm when she’s physically not present with her toddler. 


She crafted life-size cutouts of herself and placed it very tactically to make sure her one-year-old baby boy doesn’t burst into tears in his mother’s absence.


To Sato’s surprise, the cutouts worked. The one-year-old baby boy felt like his mother was physically present with him, while she was actually away. 


Watch this video of Sato Nazia placing the cut-outs while her son was playing. In fact, in the video, she stepped out of the room for 20 minutes to see if it worked: 

Well, it looks like young mothers can now enjoy their me-time with this genius life hack.