They make up words and come up with their original sayings to put their point across but, if you really come to think of it, their version actually makes sense.
When my son was little, he used to say “fasting” instead of running. “Look Mom! I’m fasting!”
— Luka Tate (@lukatate) May 30, 2018
So, in order to celebrate their childrens limitless imagination, parents took to Twitter to share the hilarious new names their kids gave to every day things. And, TBH we haven’t been able to stop laughing, ever since. Check it out.
My 3-year-old calls my gray hairs “wizard hair.”
— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) June 27, 2017
I’m not getting older.
Just more powerful.
My daughter just called a cemetery a person garden. I'm not even sure what she thinks is happening there.
— Broken Puppet 🏡☕ (@java_assassin) June 18, 2020
My son calls dessert his “bonus round” and I think we should all follow his lead.
— Valerie (@ValeeGrrl) November 30, 2017
My then-four-year-old once saw a deer & called it a moose. When we corrected him, he insisted. When we corrected him again, he glowered & grumbled “tiny moose” under his breath. Several months later, watching a nature show, we learned that deer are, indeed, tiny moose.
— MmeDF (@MmeDefargeKnits) May 30, 2018
A friend’s 5yo was wailing about seeing “flamingo witches” after watching the National Geographic channel. Took a little while to figure out she was talking about vultures.
— jillian (@jilliank245) May 30, 2018
My 3yo having never seen a humming bird before called it a “butterfly-dragon”, I did not correct her.
— Jaime Thompson (@jaimegirl) May 30, 2018
My kid calls those little ornament hangers ‘Christmas Hookers’ and I have no plans on telling him differently
— Darin Loves Bacon (@darinlovesbacon) December 4, 2018
My son calls Toys R Us “Toys Or Else”
— Defund The Police (@ElitatheLibra) November 4, 2012
My 4-year-old calls Dunkin’ Donuts “Drunken Donuts.”
— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) June 9, 2016
I was going to correct her.
Then I realized it was the best idea ever for a bakery.
My kid just called the statue of liberty the statue of puberty, and this is the content I signed up for when becoming a parent.
— WTFDAD (@daddydoubts) June 20, 2020
My daughter calls a single slipper from a pair of slippers a “slip” and I’m never going to correct her.
— Momzilla (@milliondollrfam) April 17, 2019
My son couldn’t think of the right word for “hush puppies” so he renamed them “quiet doggies.”
— Erin Tate (@erinmorgantate) May 30, 2018
A kindergartner told me she liked my hand socks…gloves obviously. But now forever hand socks.
— Jenny Watson (@msjennywatson) May 30, 2018
My son renamed ‘ladle’ to ‘souper scooper’ and that’s just what’s it’s called now
— Andrew D Wilson (@PsychScientists) May 30, 2018
someone help me explain to my toddler that pea soup is different from pee soup
— WTFDAD (@daddydoubts) July 22, 2020
When our son was little, he called a harmonica a “cowboy trumpet”.
— Suzanne Blakeman (@SuzanneBlakeman) May 30, 2018
My daughter calls corn on the cob holders “corn chargers” and I think we should just let 2 year olds name everything from now on.
— Lurkin’ Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) May 27, 2018
My 2 yo thinks Siri is called Seriously. She doesn’t actually know how to use Siri, so she picks up my phone and yells “seriously! call grandma!” at the screen.
— Francesca (@fndesimone) May 30, 2018
My four-year-old son calls the craft store “the crap store.” I don’t correct him. He’s right either way.
— Abe Yospe (@Cheeseboy22) November 25, 2016
This morning my three-year-old called a doughnut a cake bagel so that’s what they’re called from now on.
— Swishergirl (@Swishergirl24) February 9, 2020
Kids these days…they are quite something.