Sometimes to counter certain problems in life, you need help. And, when no one around you can help you with it, you turn to other sources, like books. Say hello to self-help books, the book written with the intention to instruct its readers on solving personal problems.

However, just like some problems are so silly to mention in public, there are some silly self-help books for the same too. Now, I don’t know about you guys but I wouldn’t even wanna be caught dead reading some of them. Take a look at the best of the worst.

1. I think everyone is well-aware of it, who needs a book for that?


2. When a desi dad writes a self-help book for his children


3. Solving some worldwide issues here… 


4. This one is tricky, I am not sure whether to be caught reading it or not?

Lawrence Alexander

5. Not bragging but I can give you tips that will do the job in just 5 seconds!

Incredible Things

6. Practice makes awesome! (JK)


7. Get a new one, maybe?


8. Because everyone wants one of those.


9. There are optimists and then there are people who read this.


10. If you need this book, I think you are too young to be dating. 

Incredible Things

11. Why to read a, how to write a how to write book though!


12. Okay, this looks helpful.


13. What?


14. Just read this book around them.

Incredible Things

15. When no one cares about your hour long loo breaks!

Incredible Things

16. Me: Wish I would get peace and heaven after death.

Also me: 

Incredible Things

17. Something every man should have in his bookshelf.


You might not judge a book by its covers, but others will surely do!