For the uninitiated, Suhel Seth wears many hats. And with equal elan. He is an entrepreneur, actor, columnist, activist and author. He is also known for his solicited advice. His sense of humour can only be matched by his language skills. He also has a slight propensity to give an earful to unassuming advice-seekers.
This column, published in The Telegraph’s Sunday supplement, Graphiti , is nothing short of…uh…an unconventional take on problems. Here are some gems that he offered to people who dared to venture down that road.
And here I always wondered why people are so averse to advice, solicited or otherwise.
The one where he didn’t shy away from admitting his problems with women.

The one where he pointed out the underlying problem with the Indian electorate.

The one where he redefined intellect or the lack thereof.

The one where he revealed the secrets of Dubai.

The one where he admitted that age is just a number.

The one where he called a spade a spade.

The one where he explains the nitty-gritties of marriage

The one where he talked about Kejriwal and Air India amongst other important things.

The one where he revealed his disdain for politics.

The one where he understood what was truly ailing Bin Laden.

The one where he taught a kid the importance of grammar.

The one where he confessed about what ails him.

The one where he showed us the fine line.

The one where he told us what Indian politics is like.

Now, if things are not looking up in life, you know whom to write to. And anyway, YODO. You only die once.
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