There’s weird shit happening the world over, but it’s still amazing how some situations can be totally chill one second and complete bonkers the next. The term ‘ that escalated quickly ‘ got famous because of this very nature of human existence. Roads break, people go crazy and goats revolt – that’s just how life goes people.

Here’s a bunch of situations that got out of hand WAY too quickly!

1. “Y U DO THIS, human!”

Source – chiragahuja

2. One word – Overbooked.

Source – bpblogspot

3. We got a badass over here.

Source – funtoosh

4.”I can drive this thing with my butt!”

Source – watsapping

5. “That’s the secret to the smoothest shave – a little love”

Source – rottenhome

6. The Pied Piper got a little carried away.

Source – monkeefodder

7. I wonder if that big bike feels lonely around all them little bikes.

Source – intoday

8. “One moment I was driving down the road and the next second – BAM! – missionary.”

Source – ytimg

9. Mother Earth got hungry.

Source – bcbilli

10. ” Dude, I hope my mom doesn’t see us!”

Source – hammihan

11. They treat everyone equally… even The Hulk.

Source – collegokplease

12. You’ve been warned.

Source – indiatimes

13. “Imma get on that plane, homie”

Source – myindiapictures

14. Make up your damn mind hostel!

Source – truthcliff

15. All roads lead to Kottayam.

Source – dailymoss

16. This battle has gone on long enough.

Source – simplyflying

17. Santa’s just around the corner.

Source – lolindian

18. “Hallelujah! He touched it!”

Source – jokesmantra

19. The world of arranged marriage is cold and cruel.

Source – scoop

20. But the water’s perfect!

Source – evillaughter