Admit it, every one is sick of the stock images that we see on the internet. The seemingly lifeless images are as depressing as they are redundant. So, in order to add a little “fun” to the “mundane”, The Stock Photobomber (armed with Photoshop 6.0 and his raw emotions) “injects reality into an unreal world by injecting himself into stock photographs”!

“Let’s pretend to be happy… oh wait, there’s pizza.”

Fancy some spaghetti, my lady?

Don’t hate… ejaculate (sauces from the bottle, of course!)

Someone played party-pooper.

You smell, girl.

When you can’t party with bae.

Wicked art lesson, isn’t it?

Fogg chal raha hai?

I am the one who spits.


Don’t panic. Let me play some soothing tunes.

My love life in a nutshell.

It’s time for Gramps to leave us

Love life in a nutshell II.

Coke is the answer to it all.

You’ve got to admit, he does add a bit of “fun” to the “mundane”!