Remember pre-school days, when our biggest achievement would be to not cry in the middle of the day to go home?


Well, sadly things are very different for pre-schoolers these days, they’re being trained to enter the rat-race from as soon as nursery. 

According to a viral tweet, Priya Bharti High School— a school in Hyderabad has put up a billboard of toppers in nursery, LKG and UKG. 

There were apparently 10 students under the nursery topper’s list, 14 under the lower KG list and 11 names under the UKG list. 

I mean look at these naive faces, do you really think these toddlers care or even know how to SPELL ‘toppers’? Like did they ‘top’ because they recited ‘A-B-C-D’ quicker than their other classmates or did they manage to colour in-between the lines?


Netizens were infuriated by the sight of this tweet, so much so that they started blaming the education system for this toxicity. 

Maybe there’s a nursery toddler who’s singing “Give Me Some Sunshine” in a corner with a ukulele (since a guitar is too big for the poor child).

What even is this bullshit? Like I think it’s safe to say that we graduated pre-school during sane times. 

Hey, pre-school! Leave those kids alone.