There’s a perspective that comes only when you’ve reached a certain age and found stability. It’s like when you’re completely on your own, running errands and doing your own things without any rigid accountability about your whereabouts, you discover yourself. Some of us love that independent existence, while others abhor the loneliness accompanying it.

what it's like to be on your own in 30s

Redditors in their 30s are talking about how it is to be alone and independent, and their experiences put things into perspective.

what it's like to be on your own in 30s

1. “Not bad, I am my own master and do almost anything I want. I am lonely, however, and sometimes feel like my life has no point.”


2. “Quiet, but repetitive. You need to be well motivated and have hobbies, and a dog helps. I think a lot of folks in this position are doing it for mental health reasons. Not everyone is cut out for a life partner, and some of us are okay with that, though Western culture and economics make it increasingly difficult to be alone. The cost of living has gone above the normal salary, so you don’t get as many chances to go above and beyond, like going on vacations or visiting people out of state etc. You’re just spending your money on rent.”


what it's like to be on your own in 30s

3. “Great, until I realize that the asshole who didn’t put the food away was me.”


4. “I oscillate wildly between loving the benefits and hating the loneliness…”


what it's like to be on your own in 30s

5. “It’s peaceful. I’m a very introverted person, so it’s nice to be able to sit in the quiet house and just read a book without being bothered. It’s also nice to be able to do what I want and not be judged. Sometimes I’ll deep clean the house, other times I’ll spend all day building a Lego set and just live in the mess and nobody can give me shit about it.”


6. “It is the best thing ever and will probably be the reason I stay single. I just can’t fathom someone coming in and disturbing my peace.”


what it's like to be on your own in 30s

7. “It’s 75% great 25% lonely. I like to cook for people, but love having a place to myself. It was also nice sharing bills.”


8. “It’s okay. I get lonely sometimes and if there’s a creepy noise in the night I have to decide whether to pretend I didn’t hear it or actually go look. But I don’t have to compromise on anything. I watch whatever show I want for as long as I like. I cook what I want. Sleep when I want. Decorate how I like…”


what it's like to be on your own in 30s

Life’s a strange thing. As much as you may hate being alone, it’s also absolutely essential. It’s something that we all need to learn before sharing that space with someone else.