Remember when goons stole a 2km road in Bihar, and we thought these things could only happen in India? Turns out, we were wrong. While digging through the internet, we found that some thieves dug and stole an entire beach in the Caribbeans. Yep, no kidding.

jamaican stolen beach
Manipal The Talk Network

Now, when you think of the Caribbean, what comes to your mind?

Perhaps the beautiful coral reefs –

Or some tropical rainforests… –

Dunhill Travel Deals

…and if nothing then at least white sandy beaches, right?

Travelling Lifestyle

Now, take away these beautiful white sand from the beach, what you’d be left with? Nothing much really.

That’s what happened on July 20, 2008 in Jamaica. 500 truckloads, yep, FIVE HUNDRED TRUCKLOADS of sand were stolen from a planned resort at Coral Springs in the northern parish of Trelawny.

And although it’s been 15 years since then, there has been no trace of the stolen sand.


So, where did all the sand go? Well, according to the resort owners from the said beach, two other hoteliers from the West were responsible for the heist. Detectives also believed people in the tourism sector could be suspects because a good beach is considered a valuable asset to hotels on the Caribbean island. But no arrests were made whatsoever.

jamaican stolen beach

“It’s a very complex investigation because it involves so many aspects,” the then Deputy Commissioner told the BBC.

“You’ve got the receivers of the stolen sand, or what we believe to be the sand. The trucks themselves, the organisers and, of course, there is some suspicion that some police were in collusion with the movers of the sand.”

Representational Image | Source: Sotheby’s

How can 500 truckloads of sand vanish without a trace? 15 years in, the tale of Jamaica’s sand heist remains a mystery still with no suspects let alone culprits to be found.