The world is an expansive and large, large wonderland when it comes to nature. So much of the planet is still undiscovered. For instance, the world of deep sea creatures. So much of the ocean is still a mystery and there are a lot of creatures that reside in the depths of the sea that may surprise you with how they look, because well, we don’t see them often.

So here, we’ve compiled a few of the strangest sea creatures to know about, just in case you’re curious. Read on:

1. Vampire Squid

Deep sea creatures
Credit: Aquarium of the Pacific

2. Sea Pig

Deep sea creatures
Credit: Wired

3. Sea Angel

Deep sea creatures
Credit: Monteray Bay Aquarium

4. Anglerfish

Deep sea creatures

5. Giant Siphonophore

Monterey Bay Aquarium

6. Costasiella Sea Slug

Deep sea creatures
Credit: Bored Panda

7. Emperor Shrimp 

Deep sea creatures
Credit: Reefedition

8. Angelshark

Deep sea creatures
Credit: Save our seas

9. Giant Isopod

Deep sea creatures
Credit: Aquarium of the Pacific

You would have to be at a depth of 3,100 to 19,700 feet (4,000-6,000 m) to find these creatures.