There’s a world of difference between life as it is now and life as it was a century ago. Forget 100 years, the life our parents lived in their prime and the life we’re leading now is not even remotely similar. Our formative years were spent witnessing the Internet transforming life as previous generations had known, with social media becoming an enormous part of our everyday lives.

why gen z millennials are unhappy

Today, we live in a time where countries are warring. We’ve lived through a worldwide lockdown, AI seems to be threatening our jobs, inflation is at its peak, and we’re hyper-connected, over-informed, broke, and incredibly lonely with a diminishing attention span. In short, life is calamitous. Then, the older generations come at us and say, we’re lazy, unfaithful, incredibly sad, and whatnot. By ‘us’, we mean the younger working generation somewhere between later millennials and Gen Zs. It’s all too complicated.

why gen z millennials are unhappy

But people on X always have somethings to say. They are offering their opinions on why our generation is so unhappy, and it’s food for thought.

One thing’s clear, we’re all BROKE AF.