With its interesting flavours and smooth texture, Absolut is a favourite amongst Vodka drinkers. Their experiments with flavour have surely given us some of our best Vodka shots, but there’s something more that Absolut unleashes its creativity through.
For years, Absolut has collaborated with many artists including Andy Warhol, Anish Kapoor, Francesco Clemente, and designed exquisite special edition bottles.

In late 1980’s, Absolut launched its ‘city’ advertising campaign, where they designed city specific bottles, starting with New Orleans and moving on to LA, Boston and many others.

And now, Absolut has launched a new flavour packaged in a brand new design just for India. Started in June 2014, here’s the wonderful journey the Absolut India bottle took.
Absolut did a crowdsourcing campaign in June 2014 where people from all over the country submitted a total of 2600 designs which depicted their own representation of India. The final design chosen was by Shaheen Baig, and it beautiful captures the spirit of India.
The journey of the design includes Absolut picking up iconic motifs from some cities in the country. Here’s what they picked up from each city:
Snippets from Kolkata:

Dil walon ki Dilli…

The colourful design for the colourful city of Mumbai:

And here’s the much loved Bengaluru:

Can’t get enough, right? Here’s the entire video of their journey in India.
The final bottle design, by the Mumbai based artist Shaheen Baig, is a beautiful depiction of India’s diversity, warmth, colour and culture. Any guesses what’s the flavour it has packed in it? We’ll tell you:
A beautifully designed bottle of Mango Pepper Vodka, which combines the sweetness of Mango and the spice of pepper. Now, that’s something we MUST get our hands on.

If you do end up spotting the Absolut India bottle (and trust me, it’s too hard to miss your sight), click a picture and share with the Absolut India Page on Facebook , Twitter or Instagram .