Let’s stop for a moment and look around ourselves. Let’s reflect on the life that we live. Reflect on our choices, our struggles, our achievements and on what we have lost. Despite going through so much in such little time, we stand tall, with our heads held high! However, sometimes society makes us feel inadequate, like we’re doing is not enough or incorrect. And the choices we make might not be “acceptable.” But that’s just the thing. People talk. It’s what they do. So let people talk and point and judge. Just say I am #AsIAm and be proud of these things;
1. A job that you love.
“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work another day in your life.” So what if it pays lousy? So what if it’s “just an internship?” You can only excel at something if you give it your all. And how can you give something your all when you don’t even like it in the first place? So count yourself as blessed and forge on!

2. Your sense of style.
It’s important to know what’s fashionable and what’s not, but it’s not that great to be a slave to trends. Dress well and dress to your liking. And if someone taunts you, let ’em. How’s it going to matter in a hundred years anyway?

3. Your friends.
Friends are the family we choose. If you have friends that you can totally depend upon, then you should feel proud! Not everyone is as lucky as you!
4. Your family.
We are what we are because of the values we inherited from our family and relatives. Wherever you’re from and whatever you’ve gone through, always be proud of the people who love you the most.

5. Your ability to forgive.
“To err is to human, to forgive is divine.” If you’re someone who doesn’t hold grudges and moves on quickly, you’re not gullible, you’re mature and strong.

6. Your past.
Whether your past was good, bad or ugly, you survived it and became what you are today. Our past helped us become a better person so why shouldn’t we be proud of it?

7. Your demand for some alone time.
It’s perfectly okay to take some time off for yourself. Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise. Because that’s the only time when you can have a conversation with the most important person in your life. You.

8. We should be proud of our traditions and values.
After all, if you don’t know where you’ve come from , then how can you know where you’re going?

9. And of our Indian-ness.
No matter what the West may say, India is the next super power and in the last few years, we have achieved so much! Be Indian and be proud to be Indian!

10. We should take pride in our ability to raise a voice against injustice.
The youth of today is opinionated, confident and not afraid to voice its opinion. Something that has led them to spearhead movements and protests against the various wrongs in our society.

11. Your sexuality.
Love has no boundaries. So how can society tell you who you can or cannot love? live and let love, I say!

12. And your body.
Some will say you’re too thin. Others will say that you’re too fat. But just know that as long as you are healthy and happy, it doesn’t matter one bit. Be proud of who you are you brilliant gem of a person you!

The next time someone tells you that you are not good enough, simply tell them, I Am #AsIAm’.
This article is sponsored by American Swan