Believe it or not, it’s time already. Your best friend is getting married. You have seen it coming all this while, but it’s still a lot to process. But now that it’s happening, it’s time to make the most of it! After all, it’s your best friend’s wedding! This is an event that you are going to cherish just as much as she is. Here’s why your BFF’s wedding is the most special event EVER!
1. It’s a perfect reunion.
You have had a lot of common friends over the years, and many have fallen out of touch thanks to busy work schedules. Now however, all of you have an excuse to get together for a few days of pure fun! And what better way to do it that over good food and lots of masti , right?

2. You realise just how close you are to your BFF.
You have had her back through many things before, but this is something else altogether. The emotional turmoil your friend goes through during this period is immense, and the way you help her ride through it all will give your friendship a whole new meaning.

3. You get to give her the best gift ever – by organising a perfect wedding for her!
As her BFF you have a long list of things to do in the run up to the wedding. Right from choosing the venue to helping her zero in on the right clothes, cards, menu – you name it! After all you know her so well, only you can make sure the event matches up to her dream wedding.

4. You get to throw the greatest bachelorette party in history!
Over the years, you have had many discussions about this. You’ve talked about the kind that you’ll throw for each other, and you’ve even reviewed the ones you’ve been to for each other’s entertainment! But this one? This one will be the best there ever has been.

5. …and then follow it up with an equally awesome Sangeet .
You owe it to your best friend. She thinks you’re awesome, and now is the time to prove her right! Not only are you the best organiser, you’re also the one who’ll get the party started!

6. You get to make beautiful memories together.
This wedding is going to be a special memory for both you and your friend. A lot of things are going to change. Some for the better, some not so much. But either ways, helping her get through a nerve wracking emotional time is bound to bring you closer.

7. After the bride, the next most important person is you!
The bride trusts you the most, so the bride’s family trusts you the most. They’ve all seen you stick it out with her through the rough patches, so they all rely on your instructions and suggestions. Even the ladke waale give you a little special treatment.

8. All the things that go wrong are hilarious in hindsight and make for great stories.
There’s good food, there are lots of people and here and there is a possibility of getting drunk. Things are bound to go wrong, and that too, hilariously!

9. You get to meet a lot of nice, new people.
Contrary to what it looks like, a wedding is a lot more than just one night. There are a lot of ceremonies, and lots and lots of guests for each one. While on the one hand you need to deal with them all, you also get to mingle with a lot of nice, new people.

10. And who knows, maybe this is where you meet your special someone!
You know what they say, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Go ahead and enjoy your time with all those new people. Who knows, the cute guy over there might just be the one you’re waiting for!

As your sister/bestie goes through bouts of excitement and panic before her wedding, so will you. This is one wedding you’ve been planning for years. You’ve even played the perfect match-maker for this jodi. Here’s your chance to make this shaadi even more memorable: