In a call for auditions posted on their Facebook page, they ask you to stay away if you prefer reading books and are a size 10! The post, which was removed after we posted this story, says:

If you’re a size ten, well you need a dietitian.

If you prefer books my dear, good luck with your career.If you are below 18 or above 27, then darling you need to be born again.If you‘re shorter than 5’5”, you have missed the cut.If you’re none of the above, but you’re smoking hot, with a killer bod and coupled with a striking personality and attributes we consider ‘Appropriate’Baby then you have a chance to be the next:#CampusPrincess

Here is a screen shot:

While we understand that there are certain conditions which most beauty pageants follow, they need not be this shallow. Size 10 is an absolutely healthy size to have! Also, are we seriously teaching college-going kids that you can’t be a model if you are into books or that models don’t read books? Is being ‘smoking hot’ and having a ‘killer bod’ the only thing you look for in a potential beauty queen?

Is society’s standard of beauty that shallow? TOI seriously needs to reconsider their ideas about women in general!

H/T: BuzzFeed