*facepalm* So this happened. A 20-year-old lovestruck romeo tried sneaking into an exam hall dressed as his girlfriend. Spoiler alert: he was caught. When confronted, he confessed that he was there to take the difficult exam on behalf of his 17-year-old girlfriend.

The guy – Ayan Zhademov – donned a wig, wore makeup, and completed the look by squeezing into his bae’s blouse and skirt. He appeared for the Unified National Testing exam. It’s an entrance exam for universities in Kazakhstan. During the test, one of the examiners spotted him and took him aside for questioning.

“…it was obvious then that he was a male.”

An official from the exam board had this to say: “We suspected it might be another woman that had taken the candidate’s place, but we never suspected it was a man that had taken her place. At least not until he started speaking. He tried speaking in a high voice but it was obvious then that he was a male.”

Ayan was fined £1,400 (about 1,40,000 INR) and his girlfriend will have to give the exam again next year. A local businessman was so amused by the story that he agreed to pay half of the fine, reports the Daily Mail .

“…I wish my boyfriend was this romantic.”

One of the students from the university said, “It was stupid but very romantic. Sometimes love leads us to do silly things, I wish my boyfriend was this romantic.”

Cute? Creepy? Crazy? Tell me what you think about this story in the comments or on Twitter – @scenest3r