A long day at college or work. You come back home exhausted. Yesterday’s leftovers for dinner. Turn on laptop and scroll through your newsfeed. Look at happy, shiny couples. Wonder when you will be part of one. Scroll some more. More happy, shiny couples.Friends and colleagues on fancy holidays in exotic locations. A couple of wedding photographs and happily-ever-afters later, you don’t feel like going any further. It’s the same story every day.
You shut down Facebook. Check your phone, hoping for some messages. No new notifications. No hellos, no good nights. Even that person who kept pestering you with messages, doesn’t seem to be doing it anymore. Feeling weird and lonely, you put your self to sleep. Because no one else will, right?

Why does one message matter that much anyway? When did a WhatsApp message become that important? Isn’t it stupid to look forward to them? No. The truth is that a message has become much more than just a form of communication. It is a reminder that someone, somewhere is thinking about you. A reassurance. A reminder that no matter how exhausting the day was, it’s going to be a good night. And it’s okay to want that.

So this is for the one who cry themselves to sleep thinking that no one cares, for the night crawlers who yearn to talk to someone special who tells them how much they mean to them, and for the hopeless romantics. It’s okay to be needy. It is perfectly normal to expect.
You should know that even though it has been a rough day (or days), tomorrow will be a new day. The dawn will bring with it the sound of chirping birds and endless laughter, the fragrance of the early morning air and that special someone, the amazing feeling of the dew drop and his/her hand on yours. Know that it is just the day which is over, not your life.
You might have to wait a little longer for that person who sends you the last message you read before going to sleep, but you will not have to wait for the message today.
Good night, you beautiful, beautiful person!
You have been strong and I am proud of you.