When anything remotely negative happens, we are quick to vent out our anger on social media and don’t hesitate to make the people involved “famous.” However, when something good and positive happens, why do we choose to keep it to ourselves?

We’ve all heard of the many molestation incidents involving cabbies in Delhi and other parts of the country, but how often do we hear about the good samaritans that quite a few of them are?

When an Uber customer forgot her phone in the cab that she boarded, little was she expecting what followed. She took to Facebook to share her experience:

For all the flack that #Uber, taxi drivers and sometimes men in general in Delhi have received. A happy, heartwarming…

Posted by Kakul Gautam on Friday, June 19, 2015

The world is not all that bad, is it? If you bump into Mukesh, don’t forget to praise him for his good deed!