Are you one of those people who, on a Saturday night, prefer some sweet shut-eye over heartlessly “grooving” to loud Honey Singh numbers in a “dhik-chik-dhik-chik” club? Is “sleep” the only item in your weekend planner? And do you detest Monday Mornings with a fury that would make Nana Patekar proud? Then my friend, you are in a rather committed relationship with …s leep. H ere are a few things you might nod your head to;
1. You hate mornings because they make you part with your beloved bed.
2. You really look forward to the weekend. Not because you have plans. But because you have “plan-Z…Z…Z…”
3. In fact, you’d rather stay in bed than party with your friends.
4. You convince your friends to do sleep-overs rather than overly elaborate formal dinners. PJs and pizzas. What’s not to like?
5. You are invariably late for every other party or meeting because you over-slept.
6. At least thrice a month, you call in sick to work just to get a few more hours of sleep.
7. You become extremely cranky and socially inept on days when you can’t get enough R&R.;
8. Y ou’re actually jealous of your dog because he gets to sleep more than you.
9. You hate people who say , ” Sleeping is a waste of time.” They don’t know what they are missing.
10. At one or various points of time, y ou may have been referred to as ” Kumbhkaran” or one of his progeny.
11. You often dream of sleeping while sleeping. Sleepception!
12. For you, there is no “right time” to nap. All you have to do is rest your head somewhere and *BAM!* Instant snooze-fest.
13.You have, at least once, updated your relationship status on Facebook to “In a relationship with my bed.”
14. You firmly believe that whoever said “6 hours of sleep is enough for a human being” was clearly out of his/her mind.
For someone who loves to sleep, naps are nice, but bedtime is heaven! And a mattress is not just a mattress, it’s dream central. Go get yours at Urban Ladder.
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