Women are forbidden to masturbate according to many religions. This has over time become a way of controlling their sexuality. To accept and talk about this topic is a very important step to celebrate a woman’s sexuality. And thankfully, women have become increasingly vocal about these issues. But a lot more still needs to be done.
This is an attempt in that direction. By refuting the societal stigma surrounding masturbation and menstruation, we can ensure that a woman is not put down in the society because of her biological identity. So that she has a reason to celebrate that very identity.
Here are reasons why women should masturbate :
1. Unlike what most women are told, it does not make anyone promiscuous or unfaithful.
2. It gives women as much pleasure as men!
3. In fact it gives you a natural high of sorts!
Because of the release of endorphins and oxytocin, you feel pumped up.
4. Not only that, regular masturbation can help ease the horrors of menstrual cramps.
5. It is a great weapon against stress.
6. The release of endorphins, helps you sleep soundly.
7. And not just stress, it also helps reduce migraine aches and menopausal atrophy pain.
8. It helps you to figure what exactly floats your boat.
9. Feeling good about your body makes you a more confident person.
10. It increases your libido.
11. When you know your body that well, you can helps your partner to know you better.
12. Most importantly it helps in releasing pent up sexual tension.
Source : Jumping woman