Pet owners and animal lovers will agree with me when I say that life is complete only when you are blessed with the affections of an adorable pet. Their unconditional love can melt even the iciest of hearts. And then they make us do these inexplicably stupid things that make us love them even more.
Presenting the top 12 silly things we do to bond with our pets:
#12: Troll them with a blow dryer

#11: Teach them how to ‘get up, get up and dance’

#10: Introduce them to a toy animal

#9: Make animal noises to get their attention

#8: Bring out that mysterious Red Dot to spend more time with them

#7: Place them in front of a mirror to see what they’ll do next

#6: Catch them by surprise with a splash of water

#5: Make them beg for a treat

And then finally pamper them with one too many!

Pamper them some more with these awesome pet accessories.
#4: Give them a new adorable nickname every other day

#3: Take selfies with them

#2: Talk nonsense to them in a ‘cute voice’

#1: Dress up these little darlings and click hilarious pictures

To be able to love an animal and be loved back is truly one of life’s greatest gifts. Now go give your furry one a hug from my side.
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