Everybody’s always praising D.U’s North Campus for “Tom Uncle’s Maggie, Bhel-Puri Wala, etc.” But when it comes to Satya Niketan, even North Campus cannot beat us. From “ sastaa khaana” to “pricyfood” , you can indulge yourself in the delights of what Satya has to offer and take a break from those exhausting classes.
A few reasons why Satya Niketan is the best thing that happened to South Campus students;
1. Extremely delicious, mouth-watering Kathi Rolls.
They originated in Kolkata, but achieved perfection right here in South Campus’ favourite hangout. Once you try the ones here, you’re hooked for life.

2. It’s a home away from home for those living in P.G.s and Hostels.
All the P.G. and hostel children know what to do when they get bored. They just take a walk to Satya Niketan and chill.

3. It’s got so many restaurants, you end up really confused.
The place literally has “rows and rows” of restaurants. Pizza Hut, Subway, CCD, QD’s, Idli King, Café 101, Dude Food, China Bowl, Chocolate square, Woodbox café, Big Yellow Door, Storm, Falcon, High On Burgers, Shanghai,… The list goes on and on.

4. These restaurants help you keep cool in summer.
Our epic colleges do not have A.C.s or coolers. But every single eating joint in Satya Niketan has one. It’s not too tough to put 1 and 1 together.

5. Momos
For some reason, you will find every kind of Momo in existence in Satya Niketan. There are steamed momos, friend momos, tandoori momos. You can even find paneer momos here. Beat that!

6. Satya is ‘always an option.’
When you’re bored of hitting the books (if you do hit the books…) and just cannot decide what to do or where to go, there’s always good old Satya Niketan. It’s always an option.

7. Cheap food!
The best part is that even the most delectable food items on the menu are highly affordable. Plus, the combos and the deals that many of the eating joints offer are too damn awesome.

8. There’s shade for smokers everywhere.

9. From Gold Gym to Hallmark, from small shopping stores to Salons, from Clinics to Gaming Parlours, you can find everything in Satya.