If you’re sick and tired of hearing this from your gang of friends then welcome to the world of the quiet ones. When it comes to you, the reality is far from what it seems like. Your friends think that you’re either too shy or simply too stuck up to mingle with them but the truth is that you’re just a quiet person. You keep explaining but nobody believes you.
“Yaar, yeh toh kuch bolta/bolti hi nahi!”
Here are 12 things you can relate to if you’re the quiet one in your group.
1. Your friends judge you for keeping your mouth shut most of the time.
Dumb, shy, reserved and what not!

2. Everybody thinks the only thing that can make you talk is a bottle of alcohol.

3. You are sick of your friends asking you to say something when you have nothing great to say.
“Kuch toh bol yaar!” “Nahi bolna yaar! “

4. And so, you’re not fond of group conversations because you’re expected to talk. A lot!
And it’s not because you don’t like spending time with your group. You just want to listen, not talk.

5. The days you actually talk, your friends are amazed!
“Bhai! Aaj kaise?” “Oye, sab chup!” “You can talk?” Annoying as hell!

6. You prefer one-on-one interactions as opposed to talking to the entire group at once because there are less people expecting you to talk.
It’s easier to evade one person’s “Say something, man!” in comparison to the entire group’s.

7. You prefer Whatsapp group chats over conference calls.
Texts. Emojis. Super convenient for you.

8. Newbies of your group who don’t know you think you are uptight.
But in reality, it’s the opposite.

9. You get unwanted counselling sessions from your friends.
Why can’t they cut you some slack?

10. Your friends bore you with the constant “You look bored!” whenever the entire group is hanging out.
You’re not getting bored. You’re in fact concentrating. Period.

11. You’re a brilliant listener and so you know everything about everyone in the group.
Everyone thinks you’re a ‘know it all’ geek but very often they’re amazed as to how you know and remember every tiny detail of their conversations.

12. But despite everything, you’re the most trustworthy one in your group.
Everyone tells you everything and you happily safe-keep their secrets like a dear, good friend.