The Government of India is back with a ban(g), and it’s a movie yet again. Raj-Amit Kumar’s film Unfreedom (talk about irony) has been banned by the CBFC because apparently there’s a chance that it could “ignite unnatural passions” among people, and cause communal riots.

The director says – “Two stories are juxtaposed and the film challenges the idea of religious fundamentalism and questions its connection with homosexuality which is a biting reality of India.”

Not only was his film rejected by the Examining Committee and the Revising Committee, his appeal to the Film Certification Appellate Tribunal was also met with a negative response. According to Kumar, members of the committees are of the opinion that the movie would incite Hindu-Muslim riots and ignite unnatural passions among the citizen of India. The filmmaker is aghast, and will be making an appeal to the High Court.

Meanwhile, for those of your who are not all that appalled by the idea of a lesbian couple and would like to risk the prospects of “unnatural passions” igniting in your minds, here’s the trailer of the movie Unfreedom.